to Our Community

St. John XXIII Community is an Intentional Eucharist Community rooted in the Catholic Christian faith tradition.
St. John XXIII is an Intentional Eucharist Community, lay-governed and rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition and in the spirit of Vatican II. We meet in Arlington Heights, Illinoi, the first and third Sunday of each month at 11:00 AM, for Liturgy of the Eucharist. Our Sunday liturgies are followed by a community pot-luck and social time.

At the Heart
of Our Community...
St. John XXIII is an Intentional Eucharistic Community committed to the Gospel imperative of Social Justice as defined by the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.

Liturgy Schedule
1st and 3rd Sunday of each month
11:00 AM – followed by potluck
Provincial House of the Clerics of St. Viator (CSV)
1212 East Euclid Avenue
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
See Liturgy page